




Connect WorkMagic to AppLovin and automate your data workflows.

Connect WorkMagic to AppLovin and automate your data workflows.




WorkMagic simplifies your data workflows by seamlessly connecting with AppLovin. With this integration, you can automatically send your ads data to WorkMagic to include all your ads metrics in your attribution model. By integrating WorkMagic with AppLovin, you can better measure your campaign performance, optimize your ads, streamline your reporting, and enhance the decision-making process across all your marketing channels.

What is


AppLovin is a mobile technology company that provides a suite of solutions for app monetization and user acquisition. Their platform, MAX, helps app developers maximize their revenue by connecting them to a diverse range of ad networks and optimizing ad performance.

Benefits of integrating Workmagic

Seamless integration

Gain cross platform insights

Gain cross platform insights

Centralize data across multiple tools

Eliminate manual data entry errors

Eliminate manual data entry errors

Why you should connect


with WorkMagic

Integrating AppLovin with WorkMagic streamlines your data analysis and optimization process. By connecting the two platforms, you can seamlessly track performance of your campaigns in WorkMagic, unlock granular insights, and view all your marketing data in one consolidated place. Use WorkMagic's custom attribution models to more accurately measure your ad performance to increase ROAS and MER.

  1. Automated Campaign Tracking:

    Automatically track campaign performance and customer behavior without manual input.

  2. Advanced Attribution:

    Gain in-depth insights into which marketing channels contribute the most to your sales.

  3. Optimize Your Campaigns:

    Use data to refine your targeting and budget allocation for better campaign efficiency.

  4. Real-Time Data Sync:

    Your Applovin and marketing data is always up-to-date within WorkMagic.

With WorkMagic, you can take full control of your marketing strategy and grow your business smarter and faster.

How to integrate


with WorkMagic

Step 1: Navigate to Settings > Integrations

Click "Connect" to connect to your AppLovin account

Step 2: Review and agree to the terms and conditions

Step 3: Enter your AppLovin API credentials

Step 4: Click "Confirm"

You have successfully connected your AppLovin account.

Make informed decisions with WorkMagic

Make informed decisions with WorkMagic

Make informed decisions with WorkMagic