How to create high-quality pet product images for your e-commerce brands

Dec 7, 2023 | How to

You know how they say a picture is worth a thousand words? Well, for pet e-commerce brands, a pet photoshoot with products is worth $100–$230.

The prices are comparable to those for freelance and private contractor models, except there is a huge difference — with people, you can easily organize the photoshoot without the risk of technical challenges, unpredictability of movement, and obstruction of the product.


With our furry friends in the pet photography business, we encounter problems such as:


  • Features that might not stand out clearly against certain backgrounds
  • Eyes that flow when exposed to the flash
  • They block/overshadow the product
  • Pets easily get distracted and can make unpredictable movements
  • It is difficult to source various breeds, sizes, or personalities of pets to showcase the product in different contexts or settings for the best pet product photos

But, promoting a pet product without the end-user doesn’t make a lot of sense, because pet owners are still humans that buy it because they like content that is relatable, engaging, and emotionally resonant.


That’s where our Image Generator — Pet Scene takes the stage and becomes the best pet product news you will receive today.

With WorkMagic’s AI technology, you can now generate high-quality photos of your pet products featuring various pet models and background setups, engaging customers by illustrating how your products seamlessly integrate into the lives of pet owners.

You don’t need famous pet photographers, pet photoshoot ideas or even a pet.

Results for pet product images with WorkMagic

Here are the results of professional, high-quality, engaging photos with WorkMagic’s latest Pet Scene feature.

You don’t need to organize long and complicated pet photoshoots, when you can experiment with different products, breeds, and backgrounds easily.


results for pet products with workmagic

How to generate engaging photos of your pet products

Go through our step-by-step tutorial here or watch our YouTube video.

1. Sign up for a free trial or log into your WorkMagic profile

2. Click on the “Pet product photos” on the right corner of the Home Page

how to generate engaging photos for your pet products with WorkMagic
3. WorkMagic will automatically highlight your product automatically.


WorkMagic automatically highlighting your pet product for image generation
4. If you aren’t satisfied, you can highlight the key elements with a square, and use the “brush” and “erase” buttons for extra precision. Adjust the brush size to accurately highlight or erase certain areas.


how to highlight the key elements with a square, and use the "brush" and "erase" buttons for extra precision in work magic
5. Pick among various pet breeds, poses, and backgrounds.


pet breeds, bacgrounds and pet poses available in work magic for pet product image generation
6. Choose the position and size of your pet and product


choosing the position and size of the pet product and pet for workmagic's image generation feature
7. Last, click on the AI Image Editor button to add and replace objects on the image or harmonize the area. You can even ask for an expert improvement if you need any additional requests.


How to use WorkMagic's AI Image Editor button to add and replace objects on the image or harmonize the area

Tips for creating perfect pet product images

1. How to choose the best background? Check if your product image matches the suggested applicable products and best angle shoot.


how to pick the best bacground for your pet product photos

2. How to design your own background? If you want to experiment with other backgrounds, describe your preferred background or upload a reference image.



If you are looking for the easiest way to have professional pet product images with various pet breeds and scenes, WorkMagic will be your best assistant.

Sign up for WorkMagic or try our new Pet scene feature today, and easily produce high-quality images of your pet products.

